The total download is somewhere around 17GB or so. The total unpacked size of the installation is approximately 19.5G. To unpack it, requires 27GB of free space, total. Main Assets 1 is by FAR the largest distribution file in the manifest at around 12.5GB. After that, there are a couple of 1GBish files and a handful of files that are a few hundred meg. When Main Assets 1 is done, you're about 2/3 the way done, download size wise.
Swtor Main Assets Download Size
"Main Assets 1" is certainly not the first download, as I've already made it through "English Video 1, 2, 3" but I also do not know if it's the last either. At 1:43 a.m. last night "Main assets 1" started downloading 11.86 GB, it is now 7:16 a. m. and it has 8.96 GB remaining at 129.29 KB/s...
So yeah Im a returning player and I have a doubt whenever I put my swtor to download, it downlaods the required file but the overall download bar becomes zero again if I close my launcher and restart it.
I'll explain in detail. When I download one of the files say main assets 1 then it is completed and let's say the overall download bar is half way across. When it starts to download main assets 245 after main assets 1 download bar is still half way. I close the launcher and restart it, the launcher is still downloading main assets 245 but the download bar is zero again.